Friday 24 August 2012

For incremental launching method, the span depth ratio of bridges is normally low. Why?

For incremental launching method, the span depth ratio of bridges is normally low. Why?

Bridges constructed by incremental launching method are usually low in span depth ratio and typical values are 14 to17. With low span depth ratio, the bridge segments are stiff in bending and torsion which is essential to cater for the launching process. Such low span depth ratio could tolerate the discrepancy in vertical alignment on supports over which they slide. Such differential settlements may occur owing to the shortening of piers when the superstructure slides over them and the differential deformation of different piers.
This question is taken from book named – A Closer Look at Prevailing Civil Engineering Practice – What, Why and How by Vincent T. H. CHU.

What are the main potential benefits in using the bridge form of precast prestressed beams supporting in-situ concrete top slab?

What are the main potential benefits in using the bridge form of precast prestressed beams supporting in-situ concrete top slab?

The potential benefits of using the bridge form of precast prestressed beams supporting in-situ concrete top slab are:
(i) For bridges built on top of rivers and carriageway, this bridge form provides the working platform by the precast beams so that erection of falsework is not required.
(ii) This bridge form generally does not require any transverse beams or diaphragms (except at the location of bridge supports), leading to reduction of construction time and cost.
(iii) It creates the potential for simultaneous construction with several spans.
This question is taken from book named – A Self Learning Manual – Mastering Different Fields of Civil Engineering Works (VC-Q-A-Method) by Vincent T. H. CHU.

What are parasitic forces for prestressing?

What are parasitic forces for prestressing?

In statically determinate structures, prestressing forces would cause the concrete structures to bend upwards. Hence, precambering is normally carried out to counteract such effect and make it more pleasant in appearance. However, for statically indeterminate structures the deformation of concrete members are restrained by the supports and consequently parasitic forces are developed by the prestressing force in addition to the bending moment generated by eccentricity of prestressing tendons. The developed forces at the support modify the reactions of concrete members subjected to external loads and produces secondary moments (or parasitic moments) in the structure.
This question is taken from book named – A Self Learning Manual – Mastering Different Fields of Civil Engineering Works (VC-Q-A-Method) by Vincent T. H. CHU.

Under what situation shall engineers use jacking at one end only and from both ends in prestressing work?

Under what situation shall engineers use jacking at one end only and from both ends in prestressing work?

During prestressing operation at one end, frictional losses will occur and the prestressing force decreases along the length of tendon until reaching the other end. These frictional losses include the friction induced due to a change of curvature of tendon duct and also the wobble effect due to deviation of duct alignment from the centerline. Therefore, the prestress force in the mid-span or at the other end will be greatly reduced in case the frictional loss is high. Consequently, prestressing, from both ends for a single span i.e. prestressing one-half of total tendons at one end and the remaining half at the other end is carried out to enable a even distribution and to provide symmetry of prestress force along the structure.
In fact, stressing at one end only has the potential advantage of lower cost when compared with stressing from both ends. For multiple spans (e.g. two spans) with unequal span length, jacking is usually carried out at the end of the longer span so as to provide a higher prestress force at the location of maximum positive moment. On the contrary, jacking from the end of the shorter span would be conducted if the negative moment at the intermediate support controls the prestress force. However, if the total span length is sufficiently long, jacking from both ends should be considered.
This question is taken from book named – A Self Learning Manual – Mastering Different Fields of Civil Engineering Works (VC-Q-A-Method) by Vincent T. H. CHU.

What are the three major types of reinforcement used in prestressing?

What are the three major types of reinforcement used in prestressing?

(i) Spalling reinforcement 
Spalling stresses are established behind the loaded area of anchor blocks and this causes breaking away of surface concrete. These stresses are induced by strain incompatibility with Poisson’s effects or by the shape of stress trajectories.
(ii) Equilibrium reinforcement 
Equilibrium reinforcement is required where there are several anchorages in which prestressing loads are applied sequentially.
(iii) Bursting Reinforcement 
Tensile stresses are induced during prestressing operation and the maximum bursting stress occurs where the stress trajectories are concave towards the line of action of the load. Reinforcement is needed to resist these lateral tensile forces.
This question is taken from book named – A Self Learning Manual – Mastering Different Fields of Civil Engineering Works (VC-Q-A-Method) by Vincent T. H. CHU.

Why is spalling reinforcement needed for prestressing works in anchor blocks?

Why is spalling reinforcement needed for prestressing works in anchor blocks?

Reinforcement of anchor blocks in prestressing works generally consists of bursting reinforcement, equilibrium reinforcement and spalling reinforcement. Bursting reinforcement is used where tensile stresses are induced during prestressing operation and the maximum bursting stress occurs where the stress trajectories are concave towards the line of action of the load. Reinforcement is needed to resist these lateral tensile forces. For equilibrium reinforcement, it is required where there are several anchorages in which prestressing loads are applied sequentially.
During prestressing, spalling stresses are generated in the region behind the loaded faces of anchor blocks. At the zone between two anchorages, there is a volume of concrete surrounded by compressive stress trajectories. Forces are induced in the opposite direction to the applied forces and it forces the concrete out of the anchor block. On the other hand, the spalling stresses are set up owing to the strain compatibility relating to the effect of Poisson’s ratio.
This question is taken from book named – A Self Learning Manual – Mastering Different Fields of Civil Engineering Works (VC-Q-A-Method) by Vincent T. H. CHU.

What are the functions of grout inside tendon ducts?

What are the functions of grout inside tendon ducts?

Grout in prestressing works serves the following purposes:
(i) Protect the tendon against corrosion.
(ii) Improve the ultimate capacity of tendon.
(iii) Provide a bond between the structural member and the tendon.
(iv) In case of failure, the anchorage is not subject to all strain energy.

In prestressing work, if more than one wire or strand is included in the same duct, why should all wires/strands be stressed at the same time?

In prestressing work, if more than one wire or strand is included in the same duct, why should all wires/strands be stressed at the same time?

If wires/strands are stressed individually inside the same duct, then those
stressed strand/wires will bear against those unstressed ones and trap them. Therefore, the friction of the trapped wires is high and is undesirable.

What is stress corrosion of prestressing steel?

What is stress corrosion of prestressing steel?

Stress corrosion is the crystalline cracking of metals under tensile stresses in the presence of corrosive agents. The conditions for stress corrosion to occur are that the steel is subjected to tensile stresses arising from external loading or internally induced stress (e.g. prestressing). Moreover, the presence of corrosive agents is essential to trigger stress corrosion. One of the main features of stress corrosion is that the material fractures without any damage observed from the outside. Hence, stress corrosion occurs without any obvious warning signs.

Economics of R.C.C. Water tank Resting over Firm Ground vis-a-vis Pre-stressed Concrete Water Tank Resting over Firm Ground

Economics of R.C.C. Water tank Resting over Firm Ground vis-a-vis Pre-stressed Concrete Water Tank Resting over Firm Ground

Prof A. R. Mundhada
Water tanks are used to store water and are designed as crack free structures, to eliminate any leakage. In this paper design of two types of circular water tank resting on ground is presented. Both reinforced concrete (RC) and prestressed concrete (PSC) alternatives are considered in the design and are compared considering the total cost of the tank. These water tank are subjected to the same type of capacity and dimensions. As an objective function with the properties of tank that are tank capacity, width &length etc.
A computer program has been developed for solving numerical examples using the Indian std. Indian Standard Code 456-2000, IS-3370-I,II,III,IV & IS 1343-1980. The paper gives idea for safe design with minimum cost of the tank and give the designer the relationship curve between design variable thus design of tank can be more economical ,reliable and simple. The paper helps in understanding the design philosophy for the safe and economical design of water tank.
Rigid based water tank, RCC water tank, Prestressed Concrete, design, details, minimum total cost, tank capacity
Storage reservoirs and over head tanks are used to store water, liquid petroleum, petroleum products and similar liquids. The force analysis of the reservoirs or tanks is about the same irrespective of the chemical nature of the product. In general there are three kinds of water tanks-tanks resting on ground Underground tanks and elevated tanks. Here we are studying only the tanks resting on ground like clear water reservoirs, settling tanks, aeration tanks etc. are supported on ground directly. The wall of these tanks are subjected to pressure and the base is subjected to weight of Water.
In this paper, both types of reinforced concrete and prestesses concrete water tanks resting on ground monolithic with the base Are design and their results compared. These tanks are subjected to Same capacity and dimensions. Also a computer program has been developed for solving numerical examples using IS Code 456-200IS-1343-1984,IS 3370-Part I,II,III,IV 1965 & IS Code 1343-1980. From the analysis it is conclude that for tank having larger capacity (greater than 10 lakh liter) prestesses concrete water tank is economical.
• To make the study about the analysis and design of water tank.
• To make the guidelines for the design of liquid retaining structure According to IS code.
• To know about design philosophy for safe design of water tank.
• To develop program for water tank to avoid tedious calculations.
• To know economical design of water
• This report is to provide guidance in the design and construction of circular priestesses concrete using tendons
Previous Research
From the review of earlier investigations it is found that considerable work has been done on the method of analysis and design of water tanks.
Tanetal. [1]:- (1993) presented the minimum cost design of reinforced concrete cylindrical water tanks based on the British Code for water tanks, using a direct search method and the (SUMT). The cost function included the material costs of concrete and steel only. The tank wall thickness was idealized with piecewise linear slopes with the maximum thickness at the base.
Thakkar and Sridhar Rao [2] (1974), discussed cost optimization of non cylindrical composite type prestressed concrete pipes based on the Indian code.
Al-Badri [3] (2005) presented cost optimization of reinforced concrete circular grain silo based on the ACI Code (2002). He proved that the minimum cost of the silo increases with increasing of the angle of internal friction between stored materials, the coefficient of friction between stored materials and concrete, and the number of columns supporting hopper . Al-Badri (2006) presented the minimum cost design of reinforced concrete corbels based on AC I Code (2002). The cost function included the material costs of concrete, formwork and steel reinforcement. He proved that the minimum total cost of the corbel increases with the increase of the shear span, and decreases with the increase of the friction factor for monolithic construction.
Hassan Jasim Mohammed [4] studied the economical design of concrete water Tanks by optimization method. He applied the optimization technique to the structural design of concrete rectangular and circular water tank, considering the total cost of the tank as an objective function with the properties of the tank viz. tank capacity, width and length of the tank, unit weight of water and tank floor slab thickness as design variables. From the study he concluded that an increased tank capacity leads to increased minimum total cost of the rectangular tank but decreased minimum total cost for the circular tank. The tank floor slab thickness constitutes the minimum total cost for two types of tanks. The minimum cost is more sensitive to changes in tank capacity and floor slab thickness of rectangular tank but in circular type is more sensitive to change in all variables. Increased tank capacity leads to increase in minimum total cost. Increase in water depth in circular tank leads to increase in minimum total cost.
Abdul-Aziz & A. Rashed [5] rationalized the design procedure for reinforced and prestressed concrete tanks so that an applicable Canadian design standard could be developed. The study investigates the concept of partial prestressing in liquid containing structures. The paper also includes experimental and analytical phases of total of eight full scale specimens, representing segments from typical tank walls, subjected to load and leakage tests. In analytical study a computer model that can predict the response of tank wall segments is described and calibrated against the test results. The proposed design procedure addresses the leakage limit state directly. It is applicable for fully prestressed, fully reinforced and partially prestressed concrete water tanks. The conclusions that are drawn are as follows:-
• A design method based on limiting the steel stress, does not produce consistent crack or compression zone depths under the application of prestressing nor under a combination of axial load and moment.
• A design method based on providing a residual compressive stress in concrete dose not utilizes non-prestressed reinforcement effectively.
• Relaxing the residual compressive stress requirement permits a more efficient design. The stresses in non-prestresssed steel are higher, but remain below yield under service load. Therefore, less reinforcement is required.
• Load eccentricity significantly affects the behavior of the prestressed concrete sections. The behavior with a small load eccentricity, less than about half the thickness, the section may be treated as a flexure member.
• The ratio of non prestressed steel to prestressed steel in partially prestressed concrete section has a significant effect on the member serviceability and strength. Choosing the ratio such that both non-prestress and prestressed steel reach their strength simultaneously utilizes both types of steel at the ultimate limit state effectively.
• Increasing the wall thickness is very effective in increasing the capacity of the section and improving its serviceability by increasing the compression zone depth and reducing the deformations.
Chetan Kumar Gautam [6] Highlights the point named “Comparison of Circular Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Underground Shelter”. In his paper, design of two types of large circular underground shelters is presented. The shelters are made of precast concrete sections. Both RC and PSC alternatives are considered in the design and compared. The shelters are subjected to same type of external loadings and support conditions. The study conclude that the feasibility of using the vertical casting process of making the modules of shelters as it is suitable for manufacturing of large diameter pipes. He also suggested that the incorporation of fibers, specially steel fibers improves a host of properties of concrete, including its crack resistance, flexural strength, ductility, etc. Thus, the possibility of incorporating fibers in concrete shelter may be explored.
For R.C.C. water tank
For Prestresed Concrete water tank
For R.C.C Structure
Permissible stresses in concrete
• For resistance to cracking:-
Design of liquid retaining structure is different from R.C.C. structures. As it requires that concrete should not crack and hence tensile stresses in concrete should be within permissible limit.(i.e. TYPE-I structure).A reinforced concrete member of liquid retaining structure is design on the usual principle ignoring tensile resistance of concrete in bending. accordingly it should be ensure that tensile stresses on the liquid retaining face of the equivalent concrete section dose not exceed the permissible tensile strength of concrete as given in table1.
Grade of concretePermissible stressShear=(Q/bjd)(N/mm^2)
Direct Tension(?ct)(N/mm^2)Tension due to Bending(?cbt) (N/mm^2)
Table 1(Permissible Compressive Stresses In Calculations Relating To Resistance To Cracking)
• For strength calculation
In strength calculations the permissible Concrete stresses shall be in accordance with Table1. Where the calculated shear stress in concrete a lone exceeds the permissible value, reinforcement acting in conjunction with diagonal compression in the concrete shall be provided to take the whole of the shear.
Permissible Stresses In Steel
• For resistance to cracking.

When steel and concrete are assumed to act together for checking the tensile stress in concrete for avoidance of crack, the tensile stress in steel as in table 2will be limited by the requirement that the permissible tensile stress in the concrete is not exceeded so the tensile stress in steel shall be equal to the product of modular ratio of steel and concrete, and the corresponding allowable tensile stress in concrete.
• For strength calculations
In strength calculations the permissible stress shall be as given in table 2.
Plain round mild steel bars
High yield strength deformed bars(HYSD)
1)Tensile stresses in the members under direct tension(?s)
2) Tensile stress in members in bending(?st)
On liquid retaining face of members
On face of away from liquid for members less than 225mm
On face away from liquid for members 225mm or more in thickness
3) Tensile stresses in shear reinforcement(?sv)
For members less than225mm in thickness
For members 225mm or more in thickness
Table 2 (Permissible Stresses In Steel Reinforcement For Strength Calculation)
Design Requirement
Generally M30 grade of concrete should be used Design Mix (1:1*1/2:3)Steel reinforcement should not less than0.3% of the gross section shall be provided in each direction Floors:-floor may be constructed of concrete with nominal % of reinforcement smaller than provided in table 1.they are cast in panels with sides not more than 45m and with contraction or expansion joints in between..In such cases a screed or concrete layer(M10) not less than 75mm thick shall placed first on the ground and covered with a sliding layer of bitumen paper to destroy the bond between the screed and the floor.
Minimum Cover:- 35mm(both the faces).
Minimum Reinforcement:-Overall .24% of total cross section should be provided.
Walls:-1) provision of joints
( a ) Where it is desired to allow the walls to expand or contract separately from the floor , or to prevent moments at the base of the wall owing to fixity to the floor sliding joints may be employed.
( b) The spacing of vertical movement joints should be as discussed. while the majority of these joints may be of the partial or complete contraction type , sufficient joints of the expansion type should be provided to satisfy the requirements given in article.
2)Pressure on wall
(a) In liquid retaining structures with fixed or floating covers the gas pressure developed above liquid surface shall be added to the liquid pressure .
(b)When the wall of liquid retaining structure is built in ground, or has earth embanked against it ,the effect of earth pressure shall be taken in to account .
III Design stepes:
• Calculate diameter and height of water tank
• Assumed suitable thickness
• Calculate designed constants
• Calculate hoop tension, maximum bending moment by using IS 1370 part IV.
• Calculate hoop steel(provide in the form of rings per meter height)
• Check the assume thickness with given permissible values of tensile stresses of concrete in direct tension for the given grade of concrete.
• Check of thickness for bending
• Provide vertical steel
• Design base slab
• Draw details
Introduction of compressive stresses to a structural member with high-strength steel that counteract the tensile stresses resulting from applied loads
Prestressed Concrete
Pre-Tensioned (cast off-site in beds- precast members)
Post-Tensioned (cast on-site in place)
All types of structure can be built with reinforced and pre-stressed concrete: columns, piers, walls, slabs, beams, arches, frames, even suspended structures and of course shells and folded plates.
• Tanks
• Foundation panels
• Poles
• Modular block retaining wall system
• Wall panels
• Concrete units
• Slabs
• Roofing and flooring
• Lintel and sunshade
• Beams
• Columns girders
In the construction of concrete structures for the storage of liquids, the imperviousness of concrete is an important basic requirement. Hence, the design of such construction is based on avoidance of cracking in the concrete. The structures are prestressed to avoid tension in the concrete. In addition, prestressed concrete tanks require low maintenance. The resistance to seismic forces is also satisfactory. Prestressed concrete tanks are used in water treatment and distribution systems, waste water collection and treatment system and storm water management. Other applications are liquefied natural gas (LNG) containment structures, large industrial process tanks and bulk storage tanks. Strand Wrapped circular pre-stressed concrete tanks are long life liquid storage structure with virtually no maintenance. Concrete construction makes for a substantial, sturdy tank structure that easily contain the internal liquid pressure while comfortably resisting external forces such as earthquake, wind.
Pre-stressed concrete is the most efficient material for water tanks and coupled with the circular shape, eliminates all stress conditions. By placing the steel of the pre-stressed strands in tension and the concrete in compression, both materials are in an ideal states and the loads are uniformly distributed around the tank circumference.
1) Low maintenance can be enjoyed throughout the life as these are built with concrete, durable material that never corrodes and does not require coatings when in contact with water or the environment.
2) Pre-stressing counteracts the differential temperature and dryness loads that a tank core wall experience. The tank walls are wet on the inside and dry on outside and the temperature varies between the two sides. If not properly accounted for, these moisture and temperature differential will cause a tank wall to bend and crack. Counteract these force in both the vertical and horizontal direction and diminish subsequently the cracking and leaking
3) Tanks are very ductile, enabling to withstand seismic forces and varying water backfill.
4) Tanks utilize material efficiently – steel in tension, concrete in compression
5) Pre-cast tanks can store or treat anything from potable water to hazardous waste to solid storage bins.
6)Storage capacities can range from 0.4 to 120 mega liters
7) Diameters of the tank can vary up to 90 m
V Design philosophy
A. Loads: Circumferential prestressing also typically causes vertical bending moment from other loading condition.
B. Freeboard: freeboard should be provided in the tank wals to minimize earthquake- induced hydrodynamic effects on a flat roof.
C. Wall: The design of the wall should be based on elastic cylindrical shell analysis, considering the effects of prestressing, internal loads and other external loads.cast in place concrete walls is usually priestesses circumferentially with high-strength strand tendons placed in ducts in the wall .the wall may be priestesses with bonded and unbounded tendons. Vertical prestessed reinforcement near the center of the wall thickness, or vertical non prestessed reinforcement near each face, may be used. Non priestesses reinforcement may be provided vertically in conjunction with vertical prestressing.
Precast concrete walls usually consist of precast panels curved to the tank radius with joints between panels filled with high-strength concrete. the panels are post-tensioned circumferentially by high strength strand tendons. the tendons maybe embedded within the precast panels or placed on the external surface of the wall and protected by shortcreat .the wall panels may be prestessesd vertically with pretensioned strands or post-tensioned tendons.non prestesses reinforcement may be provided vertically with or without vertical prestressing.
Construction Methodology
The construction of the tanks is in the following sequence. First, the concrete core is cast and cured. The surface is prepared by sand or hydro blasting. Next, the circumferential prestressing is applied by strand wrapping machine. Shotcrete is applied to provide a coat of concrete over the prestressing strands. A few photographs are provided for illustration.
IS: 3370 (Code of Practice for Concrete Structures for the Storage of Liquids) provides guidelines for the analysis and design of liquid storage tanks. The four sections of the code are titled as follows.
Part 1: General Requirement
Part 2: Reinforced Concrete Structures
Part 3: Prestressed Concrete Structures
Part 4: Design Tables
The following types of boundary conditions are considered in the analysis of the cylindrical wall.
a) For base: fixed or hinged
b) For top: free or hinged or framed.
1)For base
Fixed: When the wall is built continuous with its footing, then the base can be considered to be fixed as the first approximation.
Hinged: If the sub grade is susceptible to settlement, then a hinged base is a conservative assumption. Since the actual rotational restraint from the footing is somewhere in between fixed and hinged, a hinged base can be assumed. The base can be made sliding with appropriate polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water-stops for liquid tightness.
2) For top
Free: The top of the wall is considered free when there is no restraint in expansion.
Hinged: When the top is connected to the roof slab by dowels for shear transfer, the boundary condition is considered to be hinged.
The hydrostatic pressure on the wall increases linearly from the top to the bottom of the liquid of maximum possible depth. If the vapour pressure in the free board is negligible, then the pressure at the top is zero. Else, it is added to the pressure of the liquid throughout the depth. The forces generated in the tank due to circumferential prestress are opposite in nature to that due to hydrostatic pressure. If the tank is built underground, then the earth pressure needs to be considered.
The hoop tension in the wall, generated due to a triangular hydrostatic pressure is given as T = CTw H Ri
The bending moment in the vertical direction is given as
M = CMwH3
The shear at the base is given by the expression V = CVw H
CT = coefficient for hoop tension
CM = coefficient for bending moment
CV = coefficient for shear
w = unit weight of liquid
H = height of the liquid
Ri = inner radius of the wall.
The values of the coefficients are tabulated in IS:3370 – 1967, Part 4, for various values of H2/Dt, at different depths of the liquid. D and t represent the inner diameter and the thickness of the wall, respectively. The typical variations of CT and CM with depth, for two sets of boundary conditions are illustrated. The roof can be made of a dome supported at the edges on the cylindrical wall. Else, the roof can be a flat slab supported on columns along with the edges. IS:3370 – 1967, Part 4, provides coefficients for the analysis of the floor and roof slabs.
Design steps
• Calculate diameter and height of water tank
• Assumed suitable thickness
• Calculate designed constants
• Calculate hoop tension, maximum bending moment by using IS 1370 part IV.
• Check the assume thickness with given permissible values of tensile stresses of concrete in direct tension for the given grade of concrete.
• Actual circumferential prestress i.e. actual direct compressive stress (fc)
• Provide circumferential steel , Provide vertical steel
• Check for ultimate collapse and cracking
• Non prestressing steel /untensioned steel
• Design base slab
• Draw detail
Comparison of R.C.C. water tank and Prestrssed water tank
The tanks to be consider having some common data such as the tanks are having same capacity, same diameter, same height, same grade of concrete i. e. (M40) & (M50), the thickness of tank floor should be taken either 150mm or equal to the wall thickness(if greater than 150mm) for RCC water tank and minimum thickness for priestesses concrete water tank is 120mm.We consider tank capacity for both the cases (i.e. RCC & Priestesses) reimaging from 1000 m3 to 9000 m3. for both the grade of concrete i.e. (M40 & M50). The result so obtained as given in following table3
Schedule For RCC Water Tanks & Prestressed Concrete Water Tanks Estimate Details
NOTE: (Negative value of % saving indicates that prestressed concrete tank is economical than RCC water tank and vice-à-versa)
Figure 1: Variation Of Cost With Capacity Of Water Tank & Grade Of Concrete
Figure 2 Variation Of Cost For Both Type Of Water Tank With Same Grade Of Concrete(M40)
Figure 3 Variation Of Cost For Both Type Of Water Tank With Same Grade Of Concrete(M50)
Figure 4 Variation of % of saving for given capacity with given grade of concrete(M40)
Figure 5 Variation of % of saving for given capacity with given grade of concrete(M50)
The aim of this paper is to compare the cost of R.C.C. water tanks resting over firm ground with the cost of Prestressed concrete water tanks. In India at least, most of the small & medium sized water tanks are constructed in RCC. Senior engineers and those in the know maintain that prestressed concrete water tanks are not worth trying for smaller capacities. Besides cost, other reason may be that prestressed concrete construction involves skilled labor & supervision. Furthermore, prestressing is a closely guarded technology in this country & information is not available that easily.
There is no clear-cut definition of “Medium Size”. The thumb rule passed on in the field from one generation of engineers to the next, fixes a value around 10 lac liters. Therefore, this study encompasses tanks from 10 lac liter capacity to 90 lac liter capacity. A couple of cases of both varieties were designed manually. Design & Estimation programs were developed in MS EXCEL for both RCC & Prestressed concrete. The programs were finalized after a number of trial runs & corrections.
Results obtained are compiled in figures numbered 1 to 5 & Table numbered 3. D/H ratio for all the tanks is maintained at 4 based on the recommendations of the Preload Engineering Company of the US, a world leader in the field of prestressed concrete water tanks. It should be noted that an increase in tank wall thickness results in decreased flexural steel in case of RCC. However, in case of prestressed concrete, an increased thickness leads to a greater prestressing force & consequently more prestressing steel. Thus, increased thickness leads to increased cost in case of prestressed concrete.
Table3 presents the total cost of each tank along with the % difference. “+” means costlier prestressing & “-“ means cheaper prestressing. As the tank capacity increases, the cost of tank increases. But the concept of “economics of scale” holds good i.e. the cost of a tank of 20 lac liter capacity is less than double the cost of a tank of 10 lac liter capacity. Similarly, the cost of a tank of 90 lac liter capacity is less than 9 times the cost of a tank of 10 lac liter capacity. It can be clearly established that the grade of concrete hardly makes any difference in the costing. Because of its nature, the water tank design is never an impending or boundary line design. The factor of safety is high & the actual stresses are much lower than the permissible ones. An increased permissible stress for a higher grade of concrete hardly makes any difference to the final outcome.
Finally, a study of the same Table3 confirms that the RCC tank is cheaper only for 10 lac liter capacity. For higher capacities, prestress concrete tank is always cheaper by @ (20 +/- 5) %. This is because the thickness of an RCC tank increases many-folds for higher capacities. Thickness in fact seems to be an important criterion even for prestressed tanks. An increased thickness leads to an increased prestressing force. More steel is required to generate this higher prestressing force resulting in higher cost.
RCC tanks are cheaper only for smaller capacities up to 10-12 lac liters. For bigger tanks, Prestressing is the superior choice resulting in a saving of @ 20%.
1 Tanetal (1966) “Minimum Cost Design Of Reinforced Concrete Cylindrical Water Tanks Based On The British Code For Water Tanks, Using A Direct Search Method And The (SUMT). European Journal Of Scientific Research ISSN 1450 -216XVol.49No.4(2011),pp.510-520.
2 Thakkar and Sridhar Rao (1974)”Cost Optimization Of Cylindrical Composite Type Prestesses Concrete Pipes Based On The Indian Code” Journal of Structural Engineering 131: 6.
3 Al-Badri (2005) “Cost Optimization Of Reinforced Concrete Circular Grain Silo Based On ACI Code (2002)American Concrete Institute Structural Journal, May- June 2006.
4 Hassan Jasim Mohammed “ Economical Design Of Water Tanks” European Journal Of Scientific Research ISSN 1450 -216XVol.49No.4(2011),pp.510-520.
5 Abdul-Aziz & A. Rashed “Rational Design Of Priestesses And Reinforced Concrete Tanks” Dept Of Civil & Environmental Engineering. University Of Alberta, Edmontan, Alberta Canada T6g-267.Eurojournals Publishing. Inc.2011
6 Chetan Kumar Gautam “Comparison Of Circular RC And PSC Underground Shelters” The Indian Concrete Journal April 2006.
7 Precon “Designing Of Circular Prestressed Concrete Tanks To The Industry Standards Of The AWWA And ACI” journal of priestesses concrete institute vol.12,apr. 1967
8 IS: 456-2000. Indian Standard Code of Practice For Reinforced Concrete.
9 IS 3370-Part I,II,III,IV 1965 & IS Code 1343-1980 Indian Standard Code of Practice For Liquid Retaining Structures.
10 IS: 1343- 1980. Indian Standard Code of Practice For Prestressed Concrete (First Revision).
11 Lin, T.Y, and NED H BURNS “Prestressed Concrete”, Third Edition , John Wiley & Sons[ ASIA] Pt e Ltd. , Singapore 129809.
12 N. Krishna Raju, 2007. “Prestressed Concrete”, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw- Hill Company Ltd., New Delhi.
13 A.K Jain Reinforced concrete (vol-1,vol-2)
14 B.N Dutta, 2009 “Estimating and Costing In Civil Engineering”, Twenty- Sixth Revised Edition UBS Publishers’ Distributors Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
15 Current Schedule of Rates (CSR), 2010-2011, for Public Works Region, Amravati.
16 Schedule Of Rates Year 2010-2011, For Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran, Nagpur Region
17 Bundy , B. D. , 1984. ” Basic Optimization Methods “, Edward Arnold Publishers.
18 Fintel, M., ,1974. ” Handbook of Concrete Engineering”, USA.
19 Gray ,W.S. and Manning ,G.P., 1960. ” Concrete Water Tower, Bunkers, Silos and Other Elevated Structures” , 3rd ed. , London.
20 Manning, G.P., 1973. ” Reinforced Concrete Reservoirs and Tanks,1st ed. London.

Design Of Prestressed Shell type Strucutre using Finite Element Method

Mr.Abhinandan R.Gupta
Asst.Prof, Dept. Of Civil Engg.
COET, Akola
With the urge for sustainable, durable and economical construction various methods for designing, developing and constructing structures right from Class I structures like Important service and community structures – Power plants, Reservoirs, Health care centers, Airports to ordinary structures have been developed rapidly in the last few decades.
Along with these construction techniques the reliability of present or proposed structure is determined with various analysis and designing methods for parameters under consideration. One such reliable and effective method is Finite element Method. FEM even if complex and hard for manual analysis but is one of the most efficient method for software programming.FEM method works effectively even for complex structure with efficient results or outcomes.

Such complex structure can be defined complex because of their geometrical shape, composition or development of stresses within them. These strange parameters make many of analysis and designing classical method less efficient as they are developed for conventional structures or cases. One of the example is Circular Presstressing structure like water tank, “Prestressed” word itself makes designing process unusual along with analyzing it for stress and bending moment pattern for same structure before and after designing.
Over here the analysis and designing is done using Finite Element Method for Pestressed Water Tank. For considered grid pattern and assumptions made the results for stress and Bending moment are checked with the analysis and designing method of Indian standard code of Practice: 1343-1980, 3370-III,IV,1965. The aim of the paper is to study the stress pattern for circular prestressed water tank, designing it based on FEM results and to check Finite Element Methods applicability for such unusual construction method. Outcomes obtained after designing and analysis by FEM marked its high efficiency for such structures too.
The finite element method is a numerical analysis technique for obtaining approximate solutions to a wide variety of engineering problems. Although originally developed to study stresses in complex airframe structures, it has since been extended and applied to the broad field of continuum mechanics. Because of its diversity and flexibility as an analysis tool, it is receiving much attention in engineering schools and in industry. In more and more engineering situations today, we find that it is necessary to obtain approximate numerical solutions to problems rather than exact closed-form solutions. Several approximate numerical analysis methods have evolved over the years; a commonly used method is the finite difference scheme. The familiar finite difference model of a problem gives a point wise approximation to the governing equations.
Unlike the finite difference method, which envisions the solution region as an array of grid points, the finite element method envisions the solution region as built up of many small, interconnected sub regions or elements. A finite element model of a problem gives a piecewise approximation to the governing equations Since these elements can be put together in a variety of ways, they can be used to represent exceedingly complex shapes.
Thus Prestressed Concrete water tank is chosen for analysis and design by FEM, since Prestress water tank can be considered as a complex structure because of its construction methodology . Basically Prestressing means inducing the stresses in body or structure of opposite nature. In other words it means that developing the opposite nature stress in initial stage only so as to resist stress developed in working conditions. We are just nullifying the acting and reacting forces or actions. In prestessing we induce compressive forces or stresses in concrete material so that if tensile forces are acting on it the compressive stresses induced initially will nullify total stress effect, keeping structure safe and durable.
Over here the study is done for Prestress water tank resting on ground .Analysis is done for Stresses, Hoop Tension and Bending moment at various level and faces of tanks as per Grid formation methodology of Finite Element Method.
In a continuum problem of any dimension the field variable like tank, possesses infinitely many values because it is a function of each generic point in the body or solution region. Consequently, the problem is one with an infinite number of unknowns. The finite element discretization procedures reduce the problem to one of a finite number of unknowns by dividing the solution region into elements and by expressing the unknown field variable in terms of assumed approximating functions within each element. The approximating functions (sometimes called interpolation functions) are defined in terms of the values of the field variables at specified points called nodes or nodal points. Nodes usually lie on the element boundaries where adjacent elements are connected. In addition to boundary nodes, an element may also have a few interior nodes. The nodal values of the field variable and the interpolation functions for the elements completely define the behavior of the field variable within the elements. For the finite element representation of a problem the nodal values of the field variable become the unknowns. Once these unknowns are found, the interpolation functions define the field variable throughout the assemblage of elements.
There are basically three different approaches.
1) To obtaining element properties is called the direct approach because its origin is traceable to the direct stiffness method of structural analysis. The direct approach suggests the need for matrix in dealing with the finite element equations. Element properties obtained by the direct approach can also be determined by the variational approach.
2) The variational approach relies on the calculus of variations and involves extremizing a functional.
3) A third and even more versatile approach to deriving element properties has its basis in mathematics and is known as the weighted residuals approach.
In this paper Direct approach is taken into consideration.
4. Steps in Analysis done:
A. Discretize the Continuum. The first step is to divide the continuum or solution region into elements. A variety of element shapes) may be used, and different element shapes may be employed in the same solution region. In this problem the discretizations is done in the form of 2-D strip with Integral limit 0 to H at base of tank. Since the integral is taken into account each element is 8 noded with interval of H/10 along Y- axis and t along X – axis. Accuracy and approximation depends upon the way and finesse of grid.
B. Select Interpolation Functions. The next step is to assign nodes to each element and then choose the interpolation function to represent the variation of the field variable over the element. The field variable may be a scalar, a vector.The degree of the polynomial chosen depends on the number of nodes assigned to the element, the nature and number of unknowns at each node, and certain continuity requirements imposed at the nodes and along the element boundaries.
Finite Element Method

C. Find the Element Properties. Once the finite element model has been established (that is, once the elements and their interpolation functions have been selected), we are ready to determine the matrix equations expressing the properties of the individual elements. Formula below shows the state of stress in an elemental volume of a body under a load. It is defined in terms of three normal stress components sx, sy, and sz and three shear stress components txy, tyz, and tzx. The corresponding strain components are three normal strains ex, ey, and ez and three shear strains gxy, gyz, and gzx. These strain components are related to the displacement components u, v, and w at a point as follows:
D. Assemble the Element Properties to Obtain the System Equations. To find the properties of the overall system modeled by the network of elements we must “assemble” all the element properties. In other words, we combine the matrix equations expressing the behavior of the elements and form the matrix equations expressing the behavior of the entire system.
2-d noded element
E. Impose the Boundary Conditions. Before the system equations are ready for solution they must be modified to account for the boundary conditions of the problem. At this stage we impose known nodal values of the dependent variables or nodal loads. The potential energy of the external load in the deformed configuration of the element is written as In Equation {Q_} represents concentrated loads at nodes and {q} the distributed loads per unit area. Substituting for {f }T from Equation one obtains
Boundary Conditions
F. Solve the System Equations. The assembly process gives a set of simultaneous equations that we solve to obtain the unknown nodal values of the problem. If the problem describes steady or equilibrium behavior, then we must solve a set of linear or nonlinear algebraic equations.
System Equations
Example was taken under consideration with Dimensions and material grade as follows-
Cylindrical Prestressed water tank – Rigid base resting on Gound :
Intenal Diameter: 30 m
Avg. wall thickness: 150 mm
Height of tank: 7.35 m
Loss ratio ?: 0.75
Permissible comp. stress at tanspher: 13 N/mm2
Min. comp. stress in working condition: 1 N/mm2
Cubic strength of Conc: 40 N/mm2
1.) Values obtained using formula given in IS 3370-IV, table no. 9
Hoop tension Nd= Coefficient x wHR.
H2 / Dt = (7.35)2 / (30 x 0.15) = 12.00
Density of fluid (water) W= 9810
Moment = Coefficient x w H3 Kgm/m
2) Values of FEM is done as per the Formula and programme made for the element and structure.
Initally the values of Displacemnt is obtained, further integrating double we get Bending Moment , triple integration gives value of Force i.e Hoop tension .
Height LevelValue of Hoop tension and Bending Moment as per IS-3370-IVValue of Hoop tension and Bending Moment as per FEM analysis
 Hoop tension Nd (N/m)Moment M (N-m)Hoop tension Nd (N/m)Moment M (N-m)
0.0 H
- 5407.75
0.1 H
0.2 H
0.3 H
0.4 H
0.5 H
0.6 H
0.7 H
0.8 H
0.9 H
Results of the analysis done using Finite Element Method gives approximately same values as per the values obtained by classical method given in IS- 3370 Part IV.
Since freedom and flexibility to choose the grid pattern highly affects the accuracy of values obtained.
Over here the mesh was not considered to dense, however more appropriate answers can be achieved by developing fine mesh.
Since unusual geometrical shape and distinct construction methodology structure can be analyse easily as in example above for Prestressed tank, applicability of Finite element Method proves to be effective and efficient
Same structure can be analyse by FEM by forming various grid pattern considering 2-D strip element, Axisymmetric –Axiloaded ring element, 3-D parallelepiped element or Shell element. Along with this analysis can be done for composite structure with different material property which will prove to be challenging.
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